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On The Path of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad(s): volume 1 - 10 Audio CDs (Amr Khalid) على خطى الحبيب محمد رسول الله
Publisher: Al Ayen International 10 Audio CDs, 667 minutes Arabic Only Title. On the Path of the Beloved (Arabic: على خطى الحبيب) is an audio recording of Amr Khaled’s television show from Ramadan of 2005. In this series, Amr Khaled recounts and discusses the life journey (seerah) of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. This series was recorded beside the Mosque of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and from the places where important historical incidents took place. In this recorded Ramadan TV program, Amr Khaled takes viewers on 40 audio hours of spiritual memories, through the biography of the Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him. Already, over 8 million Muslim and Arab viewers have enjoyed and benefited from this program. Amr Khaled, with his captivating style, presents detailed explanations for the phases of the Seerah. This show focuses on the personal aspect of the Prophet’s life, and how he dealt with the various difficult situations he faced. The series also focuses on the lessons and events from the Seerah, and how we can relate and benefit from them in our times. This recording will take you on a beautiful journey… Imagine the Seerah as if you had been there to witness it… We miss the Prophet peace be upon him… And we promise him to always walk in his path, on the footsteps of the Beloved. There are three volumes of the series. على مدار 40 ساعة صوتية وفي جو ملئ بالروحانية والذكريات العطرة يطل علينا الداعية عمرو خالد من خلال البرنامج الشهير على خطى الحبيب الذي شاهده قرابة ثمانية ملايين مشاهد عربي ومسلم والذي أبحر فيه الداعية في حياة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وسيرته العطرة من جوار الحرم النبوي الشريف ومن مواقع الأحداث نفسها بدء من غار حراء مروراً بغار ثور وموقع الغزاوت. يتضمن العناوين التالية: * مقدمة السيرة النبوية * العالم قبل ميلاد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم * طفولة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم * شباب النبي و زواجه * بدء الوحي والرسالة في غار حراء * السنوات الأولى من الرسالة * الجهر بالدعوة * تضحية النبي والصحابة 1 * تضحية النبي والصحابة 2 * سياسة المفاوضات
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