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What is Jannah? (Salmah Umm Zainab)

What is Jannah? (Salmah Umm Zainab)

What is Jannah? (Salmah Umm Zainab)
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Author: Salmah Umm Zainab
Publisher: Goodword Books
Paperback, 24 pages
ISBN: 9788178986029

This book is designed to help parents and teachers in their efforts to encourage young children to ask questions and to assist them in exploring answers together. It makes the sharing of a basic knowledge of Islam simple, clear and enjoyable. This lays the foundation on which greater understanding can be built and learning enriched as young students grow older. And, whatever our age, reviewing the basic in this way can be very beneficial, in that it re-kindles our awareness and glad acceptance of the beautiful message and wondrous knowledge of Islam: we are then the better able share our renewed enthusiasm with others. May you benefit greatly from reading this book.

About the Author:
Salma Umm Zainab, who lives in Idaho, USA, accepted Islam after reading the Quran on-line. She worked in the health care field for fifteen years and is currently a full-time homemaker. This book was originally written by her as a home-school resource to teach her daughter the beauty of Islam.
SKU 1I150E
Weight 0.3 lb
Price $3.99

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