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The Life of Prophet Muhammad - Makkan Period (16 CDs)
Pubisher: Awakening 16 CD set This 16 CD set is an outstanding collection of inspirational talks that introduces the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest human being to walk the face of the earth. In these talks, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, author of the best selling series, The Lives of the Prophets, eloquently presents the Makkan period of the Prophet's life in a detailed manner, deriving valuable lessons from it and thus making it relevant to our modern times. The series is primarily based on Ibn Kathir's book on the Sirah. Some of the topics discussed include: The History of the Kabah, Muhammad in the Bible, The Call to Near Kin, The Islam of Hamzah, The Year of Grief, Lessons from the Trip to al-Taif and much more. 16 CD 800 minutes, August 2003 Table of Contents: CD1: Introduction Definitions Importance of studying Sirah Sources Terminologies CD2: Background History Ibrahim, Hajjar and Ismael The History of Makkah The Lineage of the Messenger of Allah The History of Zamzam CD3: The Religious Situation of Pre-Islamic Arabia Idol Worshiping – Christianity – Judaism The Story of the Elephant CD4: Early life The Birth of Muhammad His Names His Nursing The Splitting of his Chest Living with Abu Talib First Profession CD5: Important Events Marriage to Khadijah A Word on the Marriages of the Messenger of Allah The History of al-Kabah The Cave CD6: In Pursuit of the Truth Zaid bin Nufail Waraqah bin Nawfal Salman al Farisi CD7: The Glad Tidings Muhammad in the Bible CD8: The Revelation The First Encounter Different forms of Revelation The Call to the near Kin The Public Calling CD9: The Reaction Part I The Reaction of the People of Makkah CD10: The Reaction Part II CD11: The Early Immigrants Part I Abu Dhar The Migration to Abyssinia CD12: The Early Immigrants Part II The Migration to Abyssinia (cont.) CD13: Major Events The Islam of Hamzah The Islam of Umar The Embargo The Splitting of the Moon The Signs of the Romans CD14: The Later Years of Makkah The Year of Grief The Night Journey of Ascension The Trip to al-Taif CD15: In Search of a Base Lessons from the Trip to al-Taif Meeting the Tribes The First Meeting with al-Ansar The First Pledge of al-Aqabah CD 16: The Road to Madinah The Second Pledge of al-Aqabah Lessons The Hijrah
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